Sobat, malam tgl 31 desember 2008 ada sebuah Pujian yang
di nyanyikan di Gereja.

Bagus banget artinya, Biarlah lagu ini menginspirasi
kita semua agar tetep berjalan bersama Tuhan
di tahun 2009 ini dst ...

Happy New Year all My Friend ....

I'm only human, I'm just a woman.
Help me believe in what I could be
And all that I am.
Show me the stairway, I have to climb.
Lord for my sake, teach me to take
One day at a time.

One day at a time sweet Jesus
That's all I'm asking from you.
Just give me the strength
To do everyday what I have to do.
Yesterday's gone sweet Jesus
And tomorrow may never be mine.
Lord help me today, show me the way
One day at a time.

Do you remember, when you walked among men?
Well Jesus you know if you're looking below
It's worse now, than then.
Cheating and stealing, violence and crime
So for my sake, teach me to take
One day at a time.

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